Deployment of HERMES in the organization


Since each organization has its own specific characteristics, it is essential to adapt the method to its needs to ensure efficient project management.

The following objectives are pursued with the integration of HERMES into the organization:

  1. Specific core organization processes and requirements, which HERMES is not aware of, are taken into account.
  2. The project manager and other project participants receive even better support. They have a framework defined specifically for the organization.
  3. Project management efficiency is increased, as processes and specifications do not have to be reinvented for every project.
  4. Quality is increased with the more extensive integration of practices into the method and tools.
  5. HERMES training can incorporate organization-specific adaptations and accordingly be more effective.


HERMES is best integrated into the organization in the form of a project.

The project can be carried out on the basis of the service/product scenario. In doing so, the aspects of the deployment organization are also taken into account in training, and the business organization with the processes for operation and further development of project management are created and activated.

The adjustment is made by the project management competence center.

Adapting the method

Integration of important elements into the method

The core organization's specifications are integrated into the method, e.g.

  1. Requirements arising from organization-specific processes
  2. Reporting requirements (project status report, phase report)
  3. Decision-making process requirements
  4. Specifications for contracts and agreements
  5. Security and data protection aspects
  6. IT architecture aspects

The specific methods and practices for producing outcomes are integrated into the method, e.g.

  1. Presentation of requirements engineering outcomes
  2. Presentation of business process modelling outcomes
  3. Practices for integration into operation

The method components are adapted if necessary. The following points should be observed in the process:

Phases and milestones
  1. The defined phases and milestones cannot be omitted.
  2. The names of the phases should not be changed.
  3. Additional phases and milestones can be defined, i.e. phases can also be further subdivided.
Scenarios, modules, tasks
  1. New scenarios, modules and tasks can be created.
  2. The defined HERMES scenarios and modules can be extended with tasks and outcomes, but not reduced. If tasks or outcomes are removed from a scenario or module, this leads to an individual scenario.
Outcomes and document templates
  1. Minimum outcomes cannot be omitted.
  2. Several outcomes can be integrated into a single document.
  3. Outcomes can be split. Several document templates can be created for one outcome.
  4. Additional outcomes can be defined.
  5. Outcomes can be described in greater detail. This is done in the document template.
  6. HERMES document templates can be replaced with organization-specific document templates.
  7. Document templates should include the contents defined in the outcome description, but they can be expanded and fleshed out.
  1. Roles can be described in greater detail as long as the essential task area is identical.
  2. Further roles can be defined. A role description is mandatory for each new role.
  3. New roles must be assigned to one of the hierarchy levels and a partner.
  1. Checklist contents can be freely adapted and expanded.
  2. Checklist components described in decision tasks cannot be omitted.
  3. Separate individual checklists can also be defined in addition.

Once the organization-specific adaptations have been made, scenarios are created for projects with the same characteristics.