Development team
The development team is an interdisciplinary role group that applies exclusively during the agile approach in the execution phase. The composition of the role group depends on the type of project, the outcomes to be created, and the agile development method to be used. Depending on the project, all execution roles may be used in the development team. When establishing the agile project organization, the specialist responsibility of the user representative must be taken into account through incorporation of the role in the development team.
Project management responsibility lies with the project management, which may not, however, interfere with the self-organization of the development team. The development team organizes itself.
No responsibilities, powers, skills, or relationships are defined for the development team:
- The development team works within the encapsulated development approach.
- The development team is composed of all the execution roles necessary to develop the outcomes and achieve the milestones.
- In principle, all execution roles may occur in the development team depending on the project.
- According to the descriptions of the roles participating in the development team
- According to the descriptions of the roles participating in the development team
- According to the descriptions of the roles participating in the development team