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Positioning of tasks

Outcomes are at the heart of HERMS. They are developed together with the tasks.

A task consists of several activities. Activities are used to develop one or more outcomes and to ensure the quality requirements are met.

Two types of tasks are distinguished:

  • Decision-making tasks, which lead to a decision and end with the milestone outcome. They are further divided into
    • Decision-making tasks of steering and
    • Decision-making tasks of management.
  • Other tasks that accompany the course of the project, serve to develop outcomes and solutions, and ensure or increase quality.

Task descriptions do not replace knowledge of the methods and practices to be applied or corresponding training.

Decision-making tasks


Decisions have to be made over the course of the project. Tasks that lead to a decision are defined as decision-making tasks. They end with a milestone.

HERMES distinguishes between decisions made by project steering and decisions made by project management. For example, the decision on launch of operation is made by the project sponsor (steering), while the decision on solution architecture is made by the project manager (management).

At the end of a phase (traditional) or a release (agile, if the decision on release approval is required in the project), steering checks whether the necessary specialist decisions have been made. If this is not the case, the next phase or the next release is not approved. In this way, steering can make decisions without having the necessary expertise itself.

Decision-making tasks are supported by checklists.

Steering decisions

At the steering hierarchy level, decisions are made by the project sponsor. The project sponsor decides on project initiation release, execution release, phase release, interim release approvals where applicable, project closure, project discontinuation where applicable, as well as other important decisions such as initiating a call for tenders, deciding on an award of contract, or approving launch of operation. As needed, the project sponsor is advised and supported by other roles, such as the project committee, the project manager, or the user representative.

Management decisions

Management decisions are decisions of the project manager on project outcomes.

Review and acceptance of technical outcomes is carried out on behalf of management by the execution level, i.e. by the specialists for the topic in question. Depending on the process model, the project manager or user representative plans the decision-making tasks, taking into account the specifications of the controlling and compliance bodies of the core organization.

Overview of tasks

Standard tasks

The table shows the assignment of all provided tasks to project phases, including the corresponding outcomes; decision-making tasks are highlighted in pink.

Table 18: Assignment of all tasks to project phases, including corresponding outcomes
Decommission the legacy systemLegacy system removedX
Manage changesChange status listXXXX
Change requestXXX
Solution requirementsXXX
Project management planXXXX
Evaluate tendersEvaluation reportXX
Tender reportXX
Issue call for tendersTender documentationXX
Prepare call for tendersTender documentationXX
Prepare procurement analysisProcurement analysisX
Activate operationOperating manualXX
Operation activatedXX
Realize operationOperating organization realizedXX
Operating manualXX
Operating infrastructure realizedXX
Design operating conceptOperating conceptXX
Service level agreementXX
Design deployment conceptProject management planXX
Deployment conceptXX
Execute deployment measuresDeployment measures carried outXX
Realize deployment measuresDeployment measures realizedXX
Decide on acceptanceAcceptance reportXX
Acceptance checklistXX
List of management project decisionsXX
Acceptance milestoneXX
Decide on call for tendersTender checklistXX
Tender milestoneXX
Decide on launch of operationLaunch of operation checklistXX
Draw up project execution orderExecution orderX
Decide on acceptance of migrationAcceptance reportXX
Migration acceptance milestoneXX
List of management project decisionsXX
Migration acceptance checklistXX
Decide on call for tendersList of steering project decisionsXX
Decide on execution releaseExecution release milestoneX
Execution release checklistX
List of steering project decisionsX
Execution orderX
Decide on ISDP conceptList of management project decisionsXX
ISDP concept checklistXX
ISDP concept milestoneXX
Decide on solution architectureSolution architecture milestoneXX
Solution architecture checklistXX
List of management project decisionsXX
Decide on closure phase releaseClosure phase release checklistXX
Closure phase release milestoneXX
List of steering project decisionsXX
QA and risk reportXX
Decide on phase releasePhase release checklistXX
Phase release milestoneXX
List of steering project decisionsXX
QA and risk reportXX
Decide on product conceptList of management project decisionsXX
Product concept checklistXX
Product concept milestoneXX
Decide on project discontinuationProject discontinuation checklistXXXX
Final project evaluationXXXX
List of steering project decisionsXXXX
Lessons learnedXXXX
Project closure milestoneXXXX
Decide on project closureProject closure checklistX
Project closure milestoneX
QA and risk reportX
List of steering project decisionsX
Decide on project initiation releaseList of steering project decisionsX
Project initiation orderX
Project initiation release milestoneX
Project initiation release checklistX
Decide on releaseQA and risk reportX
Release milestoneX
Release checklistX
List of steering project decisionsX
Decide on preliminary acceptancePreliminary acceptance milestoneXX
List of management project decisionsXX
Preliminary acceptance checklistXX
Acceptance reportXX
Decide on next stepsList of management project decisionsX
Next steps checklistX
Next steps milestoneX
Decide on contract awardContract award checklistXX
Contract award milestoneXX
List of steering project decisionsXX
Design integration conceptIntegration conceptXX
Design ISDP conceptISDP conceptXX
Implement ISDP conceptISDP conceptXX
ISDP measures realizedXX
Transfer ISDP conceptISDP conceptXX
ISDP concept transferredXX
Agree on and steer goods/servicesEvaluation reportXXXX
Quote requestXXXX
Prepare solution requirementsSituation analysisXX
Solution requirementsXX
Prepare solution requirementsSolution requirementsXX
Situation analysisXX
Prepare solution architectureSystem conceptXX
Solution architectureXX
Conduct migrationMigration carried outXX
Design migration conceptMigration conceptXX
Realize migration procedureMigration procedure realizedXX
Detailed specificationsXX
Activate organizationOrganization activatedXX
Implement organizationOrganization descriptionXX
Process descriptionXX
Organization implementedXX
Establish organizational requirementsSituation analysisXX
Organizational requirementsXX
Draw up organization conceptProcess descriptionXX
Organization conceptXX
Business model descriptionXX
Organization descriptionXX
Prepare phase releaseProject management planXXXX
Project status reportXXXX
Phase reportXXXX
Deal with problems and benefit from lessons learnedLessons learnedXXXXX
Activate productProduct activatedXX
Realize productProduct developed or adaptedXX
Detailed specificationsXX
Product documentationXX
User manualXX
Design product conceptProduct conceptXX
Manage and control projectWork orderXXXXXX
Solution requirementsX
Detailed specificationsX
Project status reportXXXXXX
Project management planXXXXXX
Steer projectQA and risk reportXXXX
List of steering project decisionsXXXXXX
Prepare project closureFinal project evaluationX
Lessons learnedX
Draw up project management planProject management planX
Carry out prototypingPrototype documentationXXXX
Prototype realizedXXXX
Carry out prototypingPrototype realizedXXXX
Prototype documentationXXXX
Carry out prototypingPrototype realizedXXXX
Prototype documentationXXXX
Perform quality assuranceProject management planXXXXX
Review reportXXXXX
Analyze legal basisLegal basis analysisX
Prepare release closureRelease reportX
Project management planX
Project status reportX
Manage risksProject status reportXXXX
Project management planXXXX
Analyze protection needsProtection needs analysisX
Manage and inform stakeholdersStakeholder listXXXXXX
Stakeholder interestsXXXXXX
Project management planXXXXXX
Manage and inform stakeholdersStakeholder interestsXXXXXX
Advocate stakeholder interestsStakeholder interestsXXXX
Advocate stakeholder interestsStakeholder interestsXXXX
Prepare studyStakeholder listX
Activate systemSystem activatedXX
Integrate the system into operationSystem integratedXX
Operating manualXX
Realize systemUser manualXX
System conceptXX
Detailed specificationsXX
Solution architectureXX
System developed or parameterizedXX
Prepare system integrationDetailed specificationsXX
Integration and installation instructionsXX
Solution architectureXX
Interfaces realizedXX
Conduct testTest conceptXXX
Test reportXXX
Realize test infrastructureTest infrastructure realizedXX
Transfer test infrastructureTest conceptX
Test infrastructure transferredX
Design test conceptTest conceptXX
Draw up agreementAgreementXX

Customized tasks

Supplementing the standard tasks available, it is also possible to integrate new subject-, organization-, or project-specific tasks into own modules and then to expand them with outcomes.

This is supported by HERMES online and is especially relevant when new modules are developed. Examples of customized tasks can be extended, core organization-specific reporting or project-specific risk management.

Explanation regarding task description

For each task, a task description is provided that is always structured in the same way:

  • Purpose
    describes the intent and purpose of the task.
  • Basic idea
    creates a fundamental understanding of the task.
  • HERMES-specific
    describes how HERMES supports the task in concrete terms.
  • Basis/prerequisites
    lists the outcomes necessary to perform the task, if relevant. For tasks during solution creation, the list varies depending on the scenario. Where applicable, the outcomes are marked with "A" for agile or "T" for traditional.
  • Activities
    describe how the task is executed. If possible, the activities are listed in chronological order. Where applicable, the outcomes are marked with "A" for agile or "T" for traditional.
  • Relationships (online only)
    show how the tasks relates to other module elements.
  • Outcomes
    show which outcomes are generated by the task. Where applicable, the outcomes are marked with "A" for agile or "T" for traditional.

Descriptions of the tasks

Decision-making tasks of steering

Decision-making tasks of management

Other tasks
