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Sub-project manager


The sub-project manager is responsible for the sub-project as mandated by the project management. The sub-project manager has all the powers required to carry out the activities delegated by the project management.


  • Management of the sub-project to achieve the objectives agreed with the project management (time, cost, quality)
  • Adherence to the guidelines agreed with the project management in own sub-project
  • Economical and sustainable use of resources in own area
  • Management of reporting in own sub-project and comprehensive, regular, and situational information to the project management, so that the project management can fulfill the relevant management and communication tasks
  • Implementation of steering and management decisions


  • Can access all information relating to own sub-project
  • Authority to use the resources released for the sub-project
  • Sole management responsibility and authority to give instructions in the sub-project, without interfering in the self-organization of the development team during agile approach
  • Decision-making power within the scope defined with the project management (within the framework of the project management's powers)


  • Knowledge of the project environment
  • Knowledge of the core organization's requirements in terms of the project and operation of the application or in terms of application of the project
  • In-depth project management knowledge
  • In-depth knowledge of HERMES, attested to by a certificate
  • Knowledge of the methods and practices used in the project
  • Knowledge of methods and techniques to assess options and economic efficiency
  • Decisiveness and assertiveness
  • Managerial skills
  • Communication skills
  • Adequate writing skills