Decommission the legacy system
After the productive deployment of the new or the further developed system, the legacy system or the old system version is decommissioned.
Basic idea
The legacy system or the old version of the further developed system is decommissioned in such a way that the data security and data protection requirements are met and the specifications of controlling and compliance bodies are complied with.
HERMES specific
The decommissioning of the legacy system or the old version of the further developed system is based on the procedure defined in the migration concept.
The data archiving requirements that may have been taken into account in the migration concept and those relating to data security and data protection (according to the solution requirements) are implemented.
- Decommission the legacy system or old system version.
- Treat legacy data according to migration concept.
- Dismantle and dispose of the legacy system or remove the old system version (software).
- Remove infrastructure that is no longer needed, reverse structural, technical, or other measures as determined by the core organization, suspend or rescind ISDP measures and provisions.
Module | Task | Task responsibility | Outcome | Involved in creation of outcome |
IT migration | Decommission the legacy system | IT architect | Legacy system removed | IT architect, Project management*, Operations manager, Business analyst |