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Prepare procurement analysis


Preparation of the procurement analysis is used to compile all procurement-relevant information and requirements, prepare the tendering process, and establish the basis for selecting the type of procedure. It is ensured that the procurement is coordinated with the execution planning.

Basic idea

The procurement analysis ensures timely and comprehensive information on what is to be procured by whom, how the market presents itself, which other parameters must be considered, whether any requirements under procurement law must be fulfilled, and which procurement procedure is to be used. The procurement analysis is coordinated with the controlling and compliance bodies for procurement.

Tendering, evaluation, and procurement are prepared from a technical and legal perspective, and the rough financial framework is defined.

In the procurement analysis, fundamental procedural issues are clarified, such as:

  • Is a call for tenders justified, what is the specific need for action?
  • What exactly is to be procured, and what requirements are there in terms of quantity and quality?
  • What is the current market situation, what is the general offer?
  • What type of market is it?
    How many tenderers are expected?
    Which tenderers and suppliers may be considered?
    Do contracts already exist and for how long will they remain valid?
    What are the requirements for the tenderers?
  • Who is responsible for what in the project?
    Who prepares the tender documentation, who evaluates and assesses, who prepares the evaluation report, etc.?
    How does the decision-making process work?
  • What is the estimated cost of what is to be procured?
  • When should procurement take place?
    What is the planned timeframe/duration of use?
    How is timing coordinated with the project?
    What does the specific procurement plan look like?
  • Has funding been secured for the entire project, including consequential costs?
  • How is the entire procurement process structured in terms of standards and contract forms?
  • What tender procedure is to be used?
  • How will questions about the tender documentation be answered?
    Are vendor presentations envisaged?

The procurement analysis takes account of internal and statutory requirements, processes, and deadlines.

HERMES specific

The preparation of the tendering procedure should begin as early as possible, i.e. already in the initiation phase. Under no circumstances should the project be delayed by the clarifications and coordination necessary for a call for tenders.

If, in the course of preparing the study, it is recognized that procurement of the solution is envisaged in one or more of the options, a procurement analysis must be prepared. Where a procurement analysis is prepared, it must be coordinated with the study. This applies in particular to the procurement plan.

The call for tenders itself takes place only after the execution release.


  • Conduct needs and market analysis and gather information on possible solutions (products, services, etc.).
  • Initiate kick-off meeting.
  • Define the type of procedure based on the characteristics of the procurement, the core organization's requirements, and the statutory basis.
  • Flesh out tasks, activities, and outcomes and take account of the core organization's requirements and the statutory basis.
  • Create the procurement plan from a scheduling and financial point of view and, to the extent already possible, coordinate it with the planning from the study.
  • Formulate requirements for the project organization.
  • Plan human and financial resources for procurement.
  • Coordinate procurement analysis with the controlling and compliance bodies responsible for procurement.

