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Implement organization


The organization is fully realized. The organizational and personnel/position-specific prerequisites are created to such an extent that the new organization can be activated.

Basic idea

The relevant elements of the business model, the organizational structure with all personnel/position-specific aspects, and the processes with all tools are realized to such an extent that the new organization can be activated.

HERMES specific

The business model description, the process description, and the organization description are realized based on the organization concept, and the corresponding measures are implemented.

The business model description includes the business perspective and defines the framework for the process and organization description. The process description formulates the processes with the tools used. The organization description defines the organizational structure with a detailed organization chart, function descriptions, and personnel requirements. Based on the business model description, the process description, and the organization description, the measures are realized in order to establish the organization (communication channels, distribution channels, role assignments, recruitment, etc.).

In the deployment organization module, the outcomes of the realized organization are checked before preliminary acceptance with the decision on preliminary acceptance task.


  • Realize/complete business model description.
  • Realize/complete process description.
  • Realize/complete organization description.
  • Define measures to establish and implement the organization.
  • Incorporate any newly arising requirements for the solution (product, system) or its operation via change management.
